In Gratitude



[Jewelry store window, Palm Springs, CA; Thanksgiving, 2013]

Ahh, the holidays!

On the eve of the crazy-busy, I’m happy to have this little window of time right now —won’t be posting next week—to just for a moment give thanks:

Thanks for Mystery; for graced moments that can surprise and uplift and sustain us.

And Thank you, Dear Spirit, for the gift of family and for friends near and far— a special thank you and warm greetings to loyal readers of this site. (You know who you are!)

Finally, thank you for community, for where two or more are gathered to discern together: “What are we asked to do?”



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  1. Dear Patricia,

    Hi, there, Patricia! Wow, my precious Christian white friend and sister, Patricia! Wow and wow! And wow and wow! What a very beautiful and lovely, inspirational and overflowing with gracious gratitude blog post article this is of yours, as well as your other inspirational and so full of wisdom other blog post articles! I thank-you so for this great boost of inspiration, my dearest Christian white friend and sister, Patricia! You have given me such an immense and immeasurable burst of inspiration for Thanksgiving, friend and sister, and for always!!!!!!

    I, too, rejoice with you, sister, as I praise our Dear Spirit for the never ever ending bountiful blessings which our Dear Spirit God for always bestows upon us, and all of our other sisters and brothers as our Dearest and Darling God’s so very precious children. I have so, so very many innumerable blessings from our Dearest and Darling, Sweet Spirit God. God is for always our most blessed and cherished blessing!!!!!!! I know that I have many challenges as a disabled woman who has multiple disabilities who is also indigent on a low, fixed income with my disability benefits. However, I rejoice for always daily and often over my many bountiful blessings from our Good God. I know that it is heartbreaking and painful that I am estranged from my family and I stay away to keep me safe-my very life and other safety issues to be safe from violence-due to abuse in every way growing up and even in my twenties until I left Ohio and cut off contact with them. I still love them so for always but they also still reject me because I am a lesbian and they are still very heterosexist and homophobic and they have not changed over all of these decades as our Good God has let me know. I have wonderful and so, so very special family of choice-my so, so very special and my very heart dearest and darling white women sisterfriends who I love so, so very much and cherish for always for they are my very heart and mean the world to me!!!!!! My white sisterfriends are my very heart and they are my real family, and they are for always true blue friends and sisters of my very heart!!!!!! I count you, Patricia, as my blessing as well!!!!!! It has been such a great and immense joy for me visiting your magnificent blog post website and responding to your marvelous and astute blog post articles!!!!!! I have been so, so very inspired by you, my Christian white friend and sister, and uplifted by you in the Spirit, and I am a better person, woman, and Christian because of you, Patricia, and your very empowering Christian witness, and your being a wonderful white anti-racist and ally in your activism and allyship in solidarity!!!!!! You are such a blessing to me, sister, and to your other very grateful and appreciative readers!!!!!! I count my very special and splendid church friendsfamily at my church here where I live in Iowa City, Iowa, Faith United Church Of Christ, as such an eternal and blessed blessing for me!!!!!!! They are my friends but also my family!!!!! I am affirmed by them as the lesbian black woman who I am at this great and spectacular open and affirming church which I have been so proud to be a member of since the early 1990s!!!!!! I am just full of such appreciative gratitude for this blessed Thanksgiving, giving profuse thanks to our Good Creator God, and cultivating an attitude of gratitude for always, Sister!!!!!!

    I, too, rejoice with you, my precious and dearest Christian white friend and sister, Patricia! And I, too, also ask earnestly, “What are we asked to do?”, and also I, too say, “Amen!!!!!!” I pray, wish, and hope for you, Patricia, your dearest husband, the rest of your precious and beloved, dearest and darling family, and for the very blessed pure in heart friendsfamily at your superbly super Quaker meeting a Very, Very Happy and Very, Very Blessed Thanksgiving so, so very overflowing with bountiful blessings for each and every one of you so spectacular people! May our Good God Bless each and every one of you now at Thanksgiving, and for always, Patricia!!!!!!!

    Very Warmly and Sincerely For Always,

    Your Christian lesbian black friend and sister in solidarity, Sherry Gordon

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