Patricia Wild’s Blog

August 25, 2009: This will be a little longer
Within minutes of posting the last, brief acknowledgment of  discouragement, my doorbell rang. My neighbor and her sister wanted copies ...
August 16, 2009: This will be brief:
I sold 0 books at Yearly Meeting. I am discouraged. And confused ...
August 3, 2009: Johanna Appleseed
Saturday, a glorious summer day, I was picking up windfall apples in the front yard when a scruffy-looking guy walked ...
July 24, 2009: Skip Gates, local resilience
Since every Greater-Boston commentator, black and white, is weighing in on the recent Skip Gates incident, why should I be ...
July 12, 2009: Interconnectedness
As you may know, I usually spend my Wednesday nights at my Quaker meeting breaking bread and talking with several ...
June 24, 2009: Blame the rain?
[Background to today's blog; much of this info is discussed in the last chapter of Way Opens. Scroll down to ...
June 8, 2009: On Flannery O’Connor and Race
Having recently taken a workshop on unlikable characters (Takeaway: Don't get hung up on some readers' need for sympathetic characterswhen ...
June 2, 2009: Diversity as a Survival Tool
Last night I went to my first Transition Somerville meeting. Still a little unclear on the concept, I'm pretty sure ...
May 26, 2009: What gets lost
In today's Boston Globe, there's an article about Hobson City, Alabama, a "small town which once thrived as a rarity: ...
May 19, 2009: Lynchburg’s Community Dialogue on Race and Racism
[OOPS! This SHOULD have been posted last week. So sorry] Here's a description of the Community Dialogue written by Leslie ...
May 19, 2009: Drama on Longfellow Park
On Sunday morning, just as we were settling into worship, the Mormon church across Longfellow Park from Friends Meeting at Cambridge, ...
May 4, 2009: Yesterday’s Panel Discussion, Jamaicaway Books
This morning, when I saw a woman wearing a surgical mask walk past my house, I added another reason to ...
May 3, 2009: Progress report
Way Opens: Year I has just ended and, on the whole, I'd give it a B+/A-: good readings, good response, ...
April 20, 2009: Now, listen my children. . . “
Today is Patriot's Day which, to Boston Marathon or Red Sox fans, must seem like a silly name for this ...
April 7, 2009: “Count on me”
When step-son Jeremy and his wife, Vita, invited David and me to travel with them and their toddler daughter Sasha ...
March 25, 2009: “Night Tree Necktie Party”
We're back after a wonderful CA trip a little jet-lagged, a little weary—but robustly certain we're blessed by an amazing ...
March 12, 2009:”Go tell it. . . “
Three times last week I heard tragic, dire stories from Palestine. Last Sunday, Gay Harter* showed slides of her trip ...
February 28, 2009: “Nation of Cowards”?
My dear friend Delia sent me a New York Times op-ed piece by Charles M. Blow re Attorney Eric Holder's ...
February 10, 2009: A teachable moment
Like Dickens, who walked the streets of London twenty miles a day, walking though my beloved community is integral to ...
January 29, 2009: Happy anniversary, Owen and Lynda!
This past Sunday during meeting for worship, Katie Cullinan, a member of Friends Meeting at Cambridge, led all of us ...
January 15, 2009: Witnessing On the T
Earlier this week, right after lunch, I was on a Boston subway train (aka "the T") and, since it wasn't ...
January 4, 2009: Letter to the editor
Today in meeting for worship, a message came to me. What was strange about this particular message was that it ...
December 30, 2008: Redemption (and the Beloved Community
Yesterday morning, after beloved grandson Dmitri and his equally beloved parents had gone home after our wonderful Christmas together, David ...
December 22, 2008: Happy Hannukkah
The problem with not writing for The Somerville Journal anymore AND taking a break from novel-writing is that everything, EVERYTHING ...