Patricia Wild’s Blog

December 18, 2008: Allison’s “competition”
Judging from the frenzied activity at my bird feeders, tomorrow's snow storm will be a doozy: lots of cheeky, fat ...
December 17, 2008: “Christmas happens.”
Yesterday, at Porter Square Books, I ran into Wendy Jehlen. In her mid-thirties, daughter of good friends Alain and Pat ...
December 16, 2008: Do I Need A Blog-off? Naw!
Yikes. What sort of a blog is this when I post so rarely? Answer: A blog that can't quite take ...
November 15, 2008: Twin (Mind) Set
Was reminded the other night of the dramatic, charged moments right after Allison and Christina had been born (25 years ...
November 8, 2008: “It’s a whole new world.”
What a week! What a rollercoaster ride! Tuesday night, at a bar with other aging Somerville progressives (and their kids), ...
November 3, 2008: “Cook on a Slave Ship”
As noted when I guest-blogged for Hope, last Wednesday's meals-and-sharing dinner conversation got a little heated (I'll link what I ...
My trip to Lynchburg: October 7 – 11, 2008
How's this for a writing prompt: It's October 9, 2008; you're 63 years old. You have been given the opportunity to ...
September 29, 2008: “Guest Book”?
Back in the spring, when Nathan Gwirtz, the incomparable creator of this website (Thanks again, Nathan!) asked if I wanted ...
Walk Cheerfully: Posted August 11, 2008
"Walk cheerfully over the earth," George Fox advised,"answering that of God in everyone." A couple of weeks ago, I took an illuminating ...
June 30th: A New-Style Reading
As fans of the Porter Square Bookstore readings know, often what's billed as a "reading" ain't necessarily so. The old-style ...
June 25, 2008
Last night was the Graduation Ceremony for the Carey Program. Run by the City of Cambridge's (MA) Department of Human ...
First Reading:Unexpected Tears
Since Friends Meeting at Cambridge (FMC) has been so much a part of the Way Opens story, the first reading ...
The books arrived
The books arrived three days ago, cartons and cartons and cartons of Way Opens, and I almost didn’t panic. Backstory: ...