[Venice Metal Worx, Venice Beach, CA]
In high school Latin we’d been taught that “E pluribus unum” had actually been a Roman salad recipe! So in this time of great transition (and fear) I’m wondering what our country’s salad bowl looks like. How out of Many is there One? What holds (or stitches) us/US together?
My Number One response to that question? American Women. Can I get an Amen, Sisters?
*The Dalai Lama
Dear Patricia,
Well, hello, there, Patricia, my so, so very dearly special and awesomely precious soul sisterfriend who you’re For Always so, so very much!!!! Sister, you can for sure get an Amen from me, dear, dearest Patricia, with your noteworthy questions here, ” How out of Many is there One? What holds (or stitches) us/US together?” Wow, Patricia, what very thought-provoking questions here of yours, my so, so very dear friend!!!!! What a so full of grace and spirit blog post article this is here of yours as you write with such brilliantly descriptive clarity, Patricia!!!! Wow, I so love this so, so very much!!!!! I love how you have used here the sagacious quote from The Dalai Lama for your very applicable title to your very astounding blog post article here. Sister, I think that we all as Western women have much to offer in terms of the healing and growth for our very special, blessed, beloved, and precious country and society, and also globally in our world as we are all united together in the unity of the spirit in our global sisterhood! Sister, I love your reference to our country’s salad bowl!!!! We as our beloved United States of America are such a special mix in our very diverse and colorful salad bowl with marvelous white persons along with black persons and other nonwhite persons being multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural, and in all of our religious diversity as well!
Sister, we are all united together as we are all women of all races:so, so very right on, wondrously wonderful white women, black women, other nonwhite women with all of our great and glorious array and diversity with all of us united in the unity of the spirit as women and girls coming from different sexual orientations, classes and socioeconomic statuses, ability statuses like with disabled persons who are challenged with mental health concerns and disabilities, those with physical disabilities, and those with invisible disabilities, our sisters of various and diverse religions, levels of education, different locales and other geographic locations, and from all backgrounds in all of their great variety and splendor. Each and every one of us as women and girls share the common denominator of being severely abused, maltreated, and impacted by perniciously pervasive and evil sexism and misogyny, and very often being survivors of sexual abuse in all of its ugly manifestations, sexual harassment and sexual terrorism, and being oppressed and discriminated against via vile sexism and misogyny. Sister, we share and delight in our very sisterhood and friendship in our special country as American Women all of us together in our very hearts, minds, and spirits, and we all share a global sisterhood and friendship, too, throughout our world with our other sisters worldwide, Patricia!!!!
Sister, I just so, so very much love the quote you have very graciously and generously used here for your spectacular title to this very fine and excellent blog post article here, Patricia!!!! I think of how The Dalai Lama has said that the world will be saved by the Western Woman and I think of how very egregiously and unfairly Western Women are judged and how our intentions are mistrusted, in particular super white women like with the great outreach toward some African women to stop the heinous practice of genital mutilation against these so very dear women and girls. Sister, I’ve heard that sometimes Western Women, and in particular Western White Women, are viewed with suspicion and thought to be pushy when they reach out to help like this like with working with some African women to stop this horrid practice of female genital mutilation. I know that I think of myself as a black woman and like if I were to be trapped in a building that was burning down I’d for sure want to let somebody come and help me to get out of the fire so I would think that this would apply also to Western Women in general, and Western White Women reaching out to some African women to interrupt and disrupt this terrible practice of female genital mutilation against them. Sister, I think so, so very highly of YOU, my so, so very precious white sisterfriend, Patricia, and of other so, so very right on, wondrously wonderful white women, and I just so, so very much love YOU, my friend, and other super white women cherishing each and every one of you so as you all are my very, very heart, and also my very, very heartsblood, and my very, very lifesblood, and I would never ever distrust your motives like in reaching out to me and to others, sisterfriend!!!!! I have such a sweetly open heart and open mind when it comes to each and every one of you as such marvelous white women and I don’t care and it doesn’t matter to me about what racism, oppression, and discrimination is out there for me and other folks like with how white women and girls, and white people in general are considered with more value, importance, and significance, and even with how unfair that can be I don’t care and it doesn’t matter to me because I will For Always love YOU, my sisterfriend, and other magnificent white people as our Sweet Spirit’s children and my sisters and brothers very, very especially YOU, dear, dear Patricia, and other absolutely fantastic white women!!!!! It doesn’t matter to me and I don’t care about whatever bad experiences I’ve had and may continue to have like with racism, oppression, and discrimination because my love will For Always be there for you all as marvelous white persons, very, very especially YOU, Patricia, and other so, so very right on, wondrously wonderful white women!!!!! You all can for sure count on this from me and this is my sacred promise to God and to all of you for certain!!!!!
Sister, I so love, enjoy, and appreciate the great picture which you have very graciously and generously featured and included with this awesome blog post article, Patricia!!!!! Wow, I’m very amazed at how they managed to somehow work all of the metal together to make the very shape of our United States(minus dear Alaska and Hawaii). Wow, I’m just in awe as to how in the world did the artists do this and how were they able to shape and form the metal all together to create such a realistic and artistic portrait of our beautiful United States!!!!! Wow, this is just absolutely amazing here, Patricia!!!!!! Sisterfriend, it is also just very interesting and fascinating here to learn that “E pluribus unum” had actually been a recipe from the Romans!!!!! Wow, I never knew this before, Patricia!!!! I learn such great and cool things from you, Patricia!!!! Wow!!!!! Yay!!!!!
Sister, I feel even better and brighter with even more cheer after joyfully reading this remarkable blog post article so full of inspiration, and joyously responding with my very heartfelt, detailed, and thorough thoughts, ideas, and comments!!!!! Patricia, what a great and immense, blessed joy and blessing you are for me, and so are all of your very fine and excellent blog post articles, other great writings, books, and all you do very well in such a productively proactive way in such a very diligently conscientious manner!!!! Yay for YOU, Patricia!!!!! Yay for our friendship and sisterhood, Patricia!!!!! Yay!!!!!! You help me eternally with my very walk with Jesus, Patricia!!!!! Spirit so, so very much loves and cherishes YOU, Patricia, and so do I!!!!! Please have a wondrously wonderful Wednesday today, rest of your week and weekend ahead, and may all of your days be so, so very especially blessed!!!!! It is so, so very right on, wondrously wonderful white women like YOU, Patricia, other absolutely fabulous white women, and splendid other white people who just keep this black woman keep on keeping on in keeping my very faith and hope alive with such a positive optimism!!!!! I thank-YOU so, Patricia!!!!! Yay yay yay yay!!!!!!
Very Warmly and Sincerely For Always, my so, so very For Always awesomely special and dearly precious soul sisterfriend Christian Quaker white woman who you’re For Always so, so very much, Patricia, with Such Peace and Love For You For Always, sister of mine, and with Such Blessings and Such Very Even More Blessings For You For Always, friend of mine,
Yours For Always soul sisterfriend Christian black woman and For Always in the very great spirit of unity and solidarity, Sherry Gordon in Iowa City, Iowa