“I believe she’s amazing!”*


[Science Center bike rack; Harvard University]

Sunday morning, on my usual route to my Quaker meeting for a 9:00 meeting, my path crossed with a woman in her late forties, her lipstick carefully applied—I love that even with losing an hour’s sleep/Daylight Saving Time she took time for some personal care—about to enter Harvard’s Science Center. (Usually at that time of day, Asian, college-aged students head towards the entrance.)

Now, maybe that woman is an employee in the Center—but on that glorious, warm, and sunny International Women’s Day, I chose to believe she’s what’s awkwardly known as a “non-traditional student,” i.e. older! I chose to believe that wherever’s she’s from, she is a leader, she’s well-known, respected. I believe she had been chosen to come to Harvard to rub shoulders with other amazing people before returning to wherever she’s from to do more amazing things! (Okay, so maybe the sunshine and warmth had a little something to do with my conviction?)

But, oh, my brothers and sisters, I need to believe this.


* Here’s the link to my personal favorite flash mob: “I believe she’s amazing.” Enjoy!

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  1. Dear Patricia,

    Hi, there, my so, so very dearest and precious white friend and sister, Patricia! I so love this inspirational blog post article of yours-it left me with such an incredibly good feeling, sister! I, too, like to think this woman has the incredible story you thought of,my precious white sisterfriend who you are For Always so, so very much, Patricia! I, too, think that she is amazing, and I think that YOU are just sol so very absolutely amazing, Patricia! I, too, like thinking she is an older, non-traditional student. Yay! I had attended the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor when I was a lot younger back in the early 1980s but I withdrew from the U of M back then with some personal problems, only to transfer to the University of Iowa at Iowa City where I live in Iowa City, Iowa at the age of 40 in the Fall Semester 2002 and then graduating as a Women’s Studies Major with my Sexuality Studies Certificate at the age of 48 in May 2010. I,too, was an older, non-traditional student. I am a strong and an ardently avid feminist, sisterfriend! I love the pretty picture of the pink bicycle, Patricia-it reminds me of one of the bicycles I had as a little girl, sister!

    What a spectacular and cheerful blog post article which you have written, Patricia! You have just made my day, and made my day even brighter, my friend! Please have a totally terrific and thrilling Thursday, and may all of your days be so, so very especially blessed,, Patricia!

    Very Warmly and Sincerely For Always, my white sister with Peace and Love To You For Always, and Blessings and Even More Blessings To You For Always, my white sisterfriend, Patricia,

    Your Christian lesbian black sisterfriend For Always in solidarity, Sherry Gordon

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