“It Takes A Lot of Work to be This Serene!”


[Boutique Window, Venice, CA, October, 2016]

In a word, it was consolidating to stroll along Abbot Kinney Boulevard last Thursday. Because what I felt wasn’t my own desire to try on or to sample. Walking past upscale shops and hip restaurants, I instead sensed the outsized ambition of their owners. I smelled their desire for success. How much these (young, I assume) entrepreneurs yearned to make their mark. To make it. I wasn’t buying.

I’m not starting out, I saw. I’m not in my twenties or thirties and terrified I might not have what it takes—whatever that meant for me when I was just starting out. No. I’m successful, I saw, in the What Matters ways it’s taken me my whole life to define for myself.

Sunday, in silent worship, I reflected on that Ah hah moment lit by golden California sunlight. And it came to me—and I almost giggled out loud—”It takes a lot of work to be this serene!”

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  1. Dear Patricia,

    Well, hello, there, Patricia, my so, so very For Always very, very special and precious soul sisterfriend who you’re For Always so, so very much!!!!! Wow!!!!! Yay!!!! What a very interesting and fascinating blog post article this is here of yours which has me very much indeed percolating with a lot of thoughts and ideas for sure, Patricia!!!!! The title of this absolutely amazing blog post article is perfect here in accenting greatly your very awesome thoughts and ideas here with this marvelous reflection of yours, sister! My friend, the picture which you have very graciously and generously featured with this very fine and excellent article very well and finely adds to and complements your astounding article to perfection being picture perfect with your very great observations here about the young and the ambitious. I remember when I was a lot younger when my physical disabilities were not as bad and when I was in more denial about my other disabilities not receiving the proper help from my family that I had ambitious dreams and goals as well. I am glad, though, that I did not follow those dreams of glamour and success. Sister, if only my physical disabilities were not so bad I would love to be a minister. My very, very heart, and very, very heart, mind, soul, and spirit so, so very much long to be a minister. I yearn to somehow be a minister which is why my young plans for big success and ambition didn’t work out because I would not have been living according to Spirit’s purpose and will for me, Patricia. I try to be a minister just in how I live my daily life as I so, so very much love our Sweet Spirit God and YOU, sisterfriend Patricia, and other of my sisters and brothers as our Good God’s children. Sister, I have been receiving my disability benefits as a woman who has multiple physical and other disabilities since December 1989. I became an indigent woman shortly before that once I started to sever contact with my family of origin in June 1988 at the age of 26 to protect my very life and safety due to all of the abuse in every way although I love my family so, so very dearly and much but I just don’t feel safe reconnecting with them. I had grown up black middle class. Then I relocated to Iowa City, Iowa in September 1990 to Iowa City, Iowa from Ohio. I have continued to be an indigent disabled woman receiving a low, fixed income with my disability benefits. Sister, sometimes I feel so out of the loop not having been very active in the workforce over all of these years. I miss out on what the newest trends are in the workforce like with equipment and technology, and what the ins and outs are among working people. Sister, I know of someone who awhile back really hurt my feelings when I didn’t understand about and what the latest technology was and he was rude and condescending to me, and I think that he was being elitist. It is truly hard to keep up with the latest technology when I’m not working and when I don’t have the money to have the latest gadgets and the latest trendy technological things. The picture which you have featured with this wondrously wonderful blog post article is very telling here because very many of our young people(and folks of other ages as well) are in the rat race trying to dress as if they are highly competent at what they’re doing in dressing for success like with power suits. Patricia, I love how you have had and continue to have your glorious lifetime’s path and journey in the What Matters ways it has taken for you your whole entire life to define what truly matters in life for yourself, my so, so very dearest and darling friend. Sister, it does very much indeed take a lot of work to be this serene!!!!! What beautifully descriptive words full of such clarity and such very astute and acute sagacity here, sisterfriend of mine, Patricia!!!!! Wow!!!!! Yay!!!!! I love you sheer joy here with your great sense of humor giggling and delighting in the golden California sunlight, friend of mine, Patricia!!!!!

    Sister, I thank-you so, so much for how you as usual as always include such informative links with your cool full of spirit blog post articles, Patricia. The Abbot Kinney Boulevard link just showed very well the fuel-driven, adrenaline rush ambitious display of many folks seeking the glitter and the glamour of success and with their attire, as well as having other trappings of success. Sisterfriend, I just so, so very much love, like, and enjoy how you have very graciously and generously included this link again in revisiting this link again about Atul Gawande with his great book, Being Mortal, sister. Sister, this spoke to me although I don’t have any immediate plans on dying for a long time(SMILE!!!!!!). It is very heartening to read how this very splendid author challenges how medicine in treating persons in aging and also in the last stages of life like how very whole persons are not being nurtured and validated in being reduced to the routine and the mundane in their “care.” It is very much indeed vitally urgent, important, and necessary for people who are aging and also in their final passages to be able to have those hard yet meaningful conversations, and to never have to sacrifice what is really meaningful and important to them with what they care so about in their very hearts, and very hearts, minds, souls, and spirits. Persons need at the end of their earthly lives, and in fact all folks need to have a blessedly joyous autonomy and dignity. Wow, Patricia, it is very important for all people, and definitely for the aging and for those who are graduating to the next Life in Heaven, to blessedly have a life of meaning and bountiful blessings whatever their lives bring to them. Sister, WOW, here, Patricia!!!!! I For Always feel even better, brighter, and have more cheer when I joyfully read your inspiring and enlightening blog post articles and other great writings with all you do so, so very well in such fine and excellent fashion, and then joyously responding with my very heartfelt, detailed, and thorough thoughts, ideas, and comments!!!!!! Wow,Patricia, YOU are my very, very joy and blessing, and so are all of your magnificent blog post articles, other fine writings, and all you do from your very special heart and spirit, as YOU and all you do are for certain for all of your other very, very many grateful and appreciative readers!!!!! Sister, I thank God for YOU, dear, dear precious Patricia!!!!!! Yay for YOU, Patricia!!!!!! Yay for our friendship and sisterhood, Patricia!!!!! Yay!!!!!

    Sister, please have such a wondrously wonderful Wednesday evening, rest of your week and weekend ahead, and may all of your days be so, so very especially blessed!!!! Sister, I am praying, hoping, and wishing so, so very much and so, so very hard that our Hillary wins on Tuesday!!!!!! Wow!!!!! Yay!!!!!! Spirit loves and cherishes you so, so very much, Patricia, and so do I!!!!!!

    Very Warmly and Sincerely For Always, my so, so very For Always awesome soul sisterfriend Christian Quaker white woman who you’re For Always so, so very much, Patricia, with Such Peace and Love To You For Always, my sister, and with Such Very Blessings and Such Even Very More Blessings To You For Always, my friend,

    Yours For Always soul sisterfriend Christian black woman and For Always in the very great spirit and solidarity, Sherry Gordon in Iowa City, Iowa

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