[Willow Sculptures, Oslo, Norway Botanical Garden, October, 2015]
I am white/I am a woman
I am white/I am responsible
I am white/I am not responsible
I am white/I am powerful
I am a woman/I hold up half the sky
I am a woman/I am not powerful
I am white/I am a Quaker (almost goes without saying*!)
I am white/I am old
I am old/I am not powerful
I am an old Quaker/I am powerful
*In the USA
Dear Patricia,
Hi, there, Patricia, my so, so very For Always very precious and special soul sisterfriend who you’re For Always so, so very much!!!!!! Wow, what a joy and such a blessing and gift which you have masterfully and beautifully composed here with this very deeply profound poem for all of us as your very, very many grateful and appreciative readers, sister!!!!! Wow!!!!! Yay!!!!! I love how brilliantly you balance each of the both/and parts juxtaposed to each other with how you build upon the poem from beginning to the end. I read this very fine and excellent poem and think to myself with my very, very heart, and very, very heart and spirit leaping for such joy that as you are white and you are a woman that we are all women together as sisters in our sisterhood, in friendships, and in relationships with me being your very steadfast and loyal For Always black soul friend and sister, and like how all of us of all races, ethnicities, backgrounds, classes, sexual orientations, religions, ability statuses, locales, ages, educational levels, and socioeconomic statuses are all in this together united in the very unity of the spirit. Sister, as I For Always say straight from my very, very heart, and my very, very heart, mind, soul, and spirit we all as women and girls share the common denominator of being survivors of vile and malicious, pervasive sexism and misogyny which are universal for all of us from very, very many men and boys from all across the spectrum. I know that for me as a black woman and for other nonwhite women who are nonblack that we face, endure, and experience racism, but as I For Always say YOU, dear, dear precious Patricia, and other wondrously wonderful white women are my very, very heart, and also my very, very heartsblood, and my very, very lifesblood as I so, so very much love and cherish each and every one of you as the black woman, and the lesbian black woman who I am. YOU, dear, dear sister Patricia, and other marvelous white women and girls deserve so, so very much more consideration. I for one truly think, feel, and believe with all that I have that even though you, sisterfriend, and other white women and girls have white privilege as white persons that all of you only have white privilege in part, and that each and every one of you face, experience, and endure such unfair and harsh lives in dealing with evil sexism and misogyny, and even with very, very many of you as superb white women and white girls enduring and experiencing sexual abuse and harassment in all of its ugly manifestations. I say that just because you, my friend, and other white women and white girls are white, that it is very, very egregiously unfair to minimize what all of you face, endure, and experience because life for all of you is so, so very difficult and harsh, and life for each and every one of you as so, so very brilliantly awesome white women and white girls ain’t no crystal stair. Even with me enduring racism as a black woman and heterosexism and homophobia as a lesbian black woman, I will For Always defend, support, and validate YOU, dear, dear sisterfriend of mine, Patricia, and other super white women and white girls that ALL OF YOU, TOO, ALSO face, endure, and experience so, so much and that you all as well suffer so!!!!!! Each and every one of you as superbly super white women and white girls deserve so, so very much more consideration. All of you do not have male privilege, and only have white privilege in part. Each and every one of you as white women and white girls are just as much oppressed as black women and other women of color, and all of you as such so, so very special and precious white women are just as much survivors, too, as nonwhite women!!!!!!I think, feel, and believe with all that I have that YOU, my dearest and darling friend and sister, Patricia, and other wondrously wonderful white women and white girls deserve so, so very much more consideration, and for your side of things and your position to be very, very much more considered!!!!!! I often ask myself, “What if white women’s and white girls’ very needs, and their sides of things and their position and perspectives were to be very, very much more considered?” I so, so very much yearn for this and I so, so very much long for this, Patricia, because I think that very often you and other white women and white girls are thought of so, so very unfairly and not considered often enough!!!!!!
Sister, I so, so very much love and like how you share and declare here about your wondrously wonderful age, about being a Quaker, and how you integrate all of the great aspects of your absolutely fabulous self in delighting in your womanhood, in looking at being a white person, enjoying being at your awesome age, and glorying in being an absolutely fantastic Quaker, and even remarkably adding to that looking at yourself as a Quaker in your magnificent age range!!!!! Sister, I love how you look at each of the absolutely beautiful characteristics with all their marvelous array and variety of yourself each part adding to and complementing the great whole which is the wondrously wonderful YOU who you are, Patricia!!!!!! Wow!!!!! Yay!!!!!! I so, so very much love all of this great poem in all of its spectacular entirety, sister!!!!!! Sisterfriend, the picture which you have very graciously and generously featured with this remarkable blog post article is perfect here, absolutely perfect and picture perfect, and perfectly adds to and complements your very powerfully lovely blog post article poem here accenting finely this very fine composition, Patricia!!!!! Wow!!!!! Yay!!!!!!
Sister, I For Always have such greatly immense joy, blessing, and pleasure very delightfully and eagerly reading all of your very fine and excellent blog post articles and other great writings with all you do so, so very well in such very, very fine and excellent fashion, Patricia!!!!! And it is just joyous and fun for me to respond with my very thorough, detailed, and heartfelt thoughts, ideas, and comments, sisterfriend!!!!! YOU are my very, very joy and blessing, Patricia, and so are all of your very with such astute and acute sagacity blog post articles, other marvelous writings, and all you do very blessedly, as I know that YOU are, too, all of your writings, and all you do for your other very, very many grateful and appreciative readers!!!!! Wow!!!!! Yay!!!!!! Yay for YOU, Patricia!!!!!! Yay for all of your blog post articles, other fine writings, and for all you do!!!!!! Yay for our friendship and sisterhood, Patricia!!!!! Wow!!!!! Yay!!!!! Yay yay yay yay!!!!!
Please have such a marvelous and a mighty fine Monday evening, a wondrously wonderful week and weekend ahead, and may all of your days be so, so very especially blessed, Patricia!!!!! Spirit loves and cherishes you so, so very much, Patricia and so do I, sister!!!!!!!:)!!!!!!!
Very Warmly and Sincerely For Always, my so, so very For Always awesome soul sisterfriend Christian Quaker white woman who you’re For Always so, so very much, Patricia, with Such Very Peace and Love To You For Always, my sister, and with Such Very Blessings and Such Very Even More Blessings To You For Always, my so, so very dearest and darling friend,
Yours For Always soul sisterfriend Christian black woman and For Always in the very great spirit and solidarity, Sherry Gordon in Iowa City, Iowa