Catching sight of his softened, tolerant face, I realized how blessed mixed communities truly are. Before Sunday when talking about mixed I might have meant strictly by ethnicity. But having witnessed that man’s face light up, I must now add: by age, too. A community is all the richer and stronger and more resilient when its citizens are reminded, just strolling down the street or seated on a park bench, that it’s a complex, mixed-up, diverse—and, yes, broken but sometimes adorable—world we’re sharing.
Tomorrow I will visit the assisted living center where my mother lives, a well-appointed, attractive, supportive community of and for old people. And I will remember that young man’s smile.
Dear Patricia,
Hi, there, Patricia, my For Always so, so very dearly special and so very dearly precious sisterfriend white Christian woman who you are For Always so, so very much!!!!!! Wow, I just so very much love this beautifully and masterfully composed blog post article with such such well crafted words a whole bunch, sister!!!!! I love the great picture which you have featured with this grandly great blog post article, and the great story of your observations about the young man you saw, Patricia! Wow, do you have such a blessedly unique and creative imagination, sisterfriend!!!!!! I so love coffee, too, Patricia! I’m a very heavy coffee drinker!!!!!! I so love hot mugs of joe, sister, and I would be right in my element at a coffee tasting festival(SMILE!!!!!!)
As I very eagerly and joyfully read your brilliantly sweet words a very huge smile broke out on my face and my very heart leapt for joy by all of your so very beautiful words, sister!!!!!! How very blessedly inspirational your blog post articles and other writings are my sisterfriend, Christian!!!!!!! I grow in our Jesus so much from you, Patricia, and your so very great and cool blog post articles and other writings, my so very dear friend!!!!!!!
I know what you mean by a blessed mixed community, sisterfriend. I so, so very much love and like my blessed mixed community of my beloved Iowa City, Iowa where I very joyously live, Patricia! I love that Iowa City is a college town with our University of Iowa! I love living in a college town so much, Patricia, and seeing all of the young people. I so love as well just being out in the wider community off campus throughout Iowa City and seeing “regular people”(not that young college students aren’t regular people-SMILE!!!!!!! and seeing all people of all ages, families, and children. I love going to the Iowa City Public Library and the Coralville Public Library in neighboring Coralville. I am such an avid reader being a book addict, sister! What I also love about Iowa City, Iowa is that it is such a very liberal, open-minded, and a very progressive community! I feel so at home here, Patricia! I can just tell how amazingly wonderful your beloved Somerville, Massachusetts is as well, sister!!!!!!
Sister, I’m for sure praying for and thinking of your so very dear mom!!!!!! Bless her heart and I pray that our Good God just showers her with such sweet blessings, sister!!!!!! For Always I think of and pray for you, Patricia, your dearest and darling husband, all of the rest of your so, so very precious, special, and beloved family, and your friendsfamily at your so very blessedly pure in heart Friends Meeting at Cambridge keeping all of you sweetly covered in my lovingly heartfelt and sensitively caring and fervent prayers sending positive energy all of your way to each and every one of you with a joyful heart!!!!!! What such sheer and blessed joy I have reading all of your so very cool uplifting, and very inspiring blog post articles and other writings and very joyously responding to them with my heartfelt comments, Patricia!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! I am just so very incredibly blessed by you, Patricia, and your very powerful blog post articles and other writings as I know that your other very grateful and appreciative readers are as well, sister!!!!!! Thank-you so, so much, my so very dearest sisterfriend Christian!!!!!! You help me so in my walk with our Good Spirit God, sisterf!!!!!!!
Please have a wondrously wonderful Wednesday, and wondrously wonderful rest of your week and weekend, and may all of your days be so,so very especially blessed, Patricia!!!!!! You are such a blessing and such an immensely great joy, Patricia!!!!!!
Very Warmly and Sincerely For Always, my so very dearest sisterfriend Christian white woman, Patricia, with Peace and Love To You For Always, my precious sisterfriend white Christian, with Blessings and Even More Blessings To You For Always, sister and friend,
Your Christian lesbian black friendsister For Always in solidarity, Sherry Gordon