[Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, California, after a fire.]

When I was working on WellingUp.net, I told its web developers: “You know? This is probably my last book.”

“Nah,” Byron Hinebaugh replied. “You’re just getting started.”

Turns out Byron was right. Turns out I just finished a new one I’m very excited about, Missing Reels, currently looking for a happy home. Turns out I’ve already begun research on another one. Turns out, Spirit is generous. As in generative. Replenishing. And, like grace, unexpected.

But, although excited about another project, I am not yet ready to, you know, write. Which means more time to catch up with family, spend time with a new friend going through a medical challenge, mull, ponder, noodle. More time to inhabit that place of uncertainty and confusion out of which comes Something. Something that needs time and thought and energy to come to life. More time to think more deeply about how, so often for me, anger is the genesis for a new project—but to actively wonder what might come forth should I delve more deeply into what sadness might produce?

I’m just getting started.


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  1. Hi, there, Patricia! It won’t let me leave long comment. So looking forward to reading these brilliant books, sisterfriend!

  2. My soul sisterfriend, Patricia, I love YOU so, so very much and cherish YOU FOR ALWAYS! 🙂 <3

  3. Patricia – I’m glad you are still writing! We met 20 years ago at the cape – you and Al. I worked with you on all things Faulkner from Billerica, including your wonderful portraits! I fondly remember you and your husband. Best wishes to you!

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