“Enemies Should Know That Syria Will Never Fall—Assad/Syria Will Never Fall—Assad” by Nazgol Ansarinia, 2012.
A newsprint collage currently on exhibit at the Katonah (NY) Museum of Art’s current exhibit: “Long, Winding Journeys: Contemporary Art and the Islamic Tradition. (I took these pictures on Friday.)
A closer look at Ansarinia’s collage, created from two different newspaper articles cut into tiny, geometric shapes. (The geometric pattern she has used was inspired by the Shah Cheragh mosque’s mosaics, Shiraz, Iran.)
About those articles: Both newspapers had written about the same event from differing perspectives; the Iranian artist has interspersed her mosaic pieces so as to make the newsprint unintelligible.
Easily found in Ansarinia’s profound reflection on truth, however, is a head shot of Syrian President Bashar-al-Assad—presently being accused of gassing his own people. Again. (He denies this.)
Thank you, Nazgol Ansarinia.
Dear Patricia,
Well, hi, there, Patricia and greetings and salutations to you and to you AND FOR VERY ESPECIALLY FOR YOU FOR ALWAYS my so, so very FOR ALWAYS awesomely precious and dearly special soul sistahfriend Christian Quaker woman who you’re FOR ALWAYS so, so very much!!!!! 🙂 <3 WOW, Patricia, WOW!!!!! What a very beautiful, brilliantly beautiful, contemplative blog post article this is here by very deeply spiritual and keenly attuned YOU in such the great spirit and Spirit of such astute and acute sagacity!!!!! WOW here, sistah!!!!!! WOW, our very strong and outstanding Iranian sistah, Nazgol Ansarinia is just astounding and remarkable so blessed, gifted, and talented with such radiance and creative genius!!!!! WOW, how I so love the great pictures of her very empowering work and what a powerful story they have to tell here for certain, sistahfriend!!!!!! WOW, she is just very courageous and helps to uplift others with her blessed inspiration!!!! WOW, sistahfriend of mine, Patricia, my very heart breaks and aches and is just heartsick as I continue to listen to the reports like on NPR about how the so very precious Syrian people are being heinously gassed!!!!!! Oh, my God!!!!!! Just listening to the very graphic details of how the special folks are suffering with being gassed and exactly what that process looks like on them in such gory and graphic details being so hard to absorb and to process as I listen to all of this on NPR and otherwise watch and listen to all of the news reports on TV, sisterfriend!!!!! WOW!!!!! I even heard on Monday on NPR about how such a little precious baby died and all of that horrid process of this little one's death!!!!!! Oh how I pray and pray and pray daily and very frequently for the dearest Syrian people and think of all of them as well daily and very often sending to each and every one of them such greatly strong positive energy and now I can also pray for and think of daily and a whole lot of our awesome sister, Nazgol Ansarinia, too, sending to her such blessed and strong positive energy!!!!! She is OUR sistah, YOURS and OURS, sistah and friend of mine, Patricia, AND ALL OF OUR sister, Patricia!!!!!! She is just brilliant, absolutely brilliant!!!!! WE ARE ALL SISTERS in our very great and diverse global sisterhood around our very fine and beautiful world like with so, so very right on, wondrously wonderful white women with ME and other black women and other women of color as Western women in our very precious, special, and beloved United States Of America along with our sisters across the world everywhere both near and far like with our darling Nazgol Ansarinia and all of our other amazing sisters across the globe everywhere both near and far!!!!!! WE ARE ALL sisters together in our vast unity of the spirit in our strong, steadfast, and devoted solidarity, Patricia!!!!! WOW!!!!!!
WOW, my dear, dearest, precious Patricia, WOW, how I just so love when you as usual as always once again very graciously and generously feature and include such empowering, interesting, and fascinating links with your very fine and excellent blog post articles so ripe with such perspicacity!!!!! 🙂 <3 I just so love these very powerful pictures here and what a story they all tell which is such a vitally urgent and necessary story we all need to know about, sistahfriend!!!!! These pictures accompanying your very salient and succinct blog post article here are just perfect, picture-perfect, and greatly add to and complement your stupendous writing here for sure, my so, so very dearest and darling sister and friend, Patricia!!!!! WOW!!!!! The title of this very perspicacious blog post article is perfect, just absolutely perfect here being perfectly fitting and applicable to the great themes and topics of this very superb blog post article here!!!!!! WOW!!!!! I, too, thank our awesome sistah, Nazgol Ansarinia, and my very heart is just breaking and aching about the so, so very dear refugees, too, and I pray for all of them so hard and so much with all that I have with all of my very being daily and very much sending to all of them my love and such strong and dedicated positive energy, Patricia!!!!!! These so, so very darling people deserve so, so very much better and all of the best!!!!! What they are all facing, enduring, and experiencing is just absolutely horrifying, Patricia!!!!!!
WOW, Patricia, I thank-YOU and Spirit continually FOR YOU AND FOR YOUR VERY PRESENCE IN MY VERY LIFE!!!!! 🙂 <3 YOU ARE FOR ALWAYS my very life's and eternal blessings and such sheer and joyous blessings for me FOR ALWAYS, sistah!!!!!! WOW!!!!! YAY!!!!!! YAY for YOU, Patricia!!!!! YAY for our very sistahhood and friendship, Patricia!!!!! WOW!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!! Sisterfriend, please have such a wondrously wonderful Wednesday, such a wondrously wonderful rest of your week and weekend ahead, and may all of your very days be so, so very especially blessed, Patricia!!!!!! 🙂 <3 Spirit so, so veyr much loves and cherishes YOU A WHOLE LOT AND SO DO I A WHOLE LOT AND A WHOLE BUNCH, TOO, PATRICIA!!!!!! 🙂 <3 YOU ARE JUST THE VERY GREATEST AND THE VERY BEST, my absolutely AWESOME and FANTASTIC sistah and friend, Patricia!!!!!!! 🙂 <3
Very Warmly and Sincerely FOR ALWAYS, my awesomely special and dearly precious FOR ALWAYS soul sistahfriend Christian Quaker white woman who you''re FOR ALWAYS SO, SO VERY MUCH, PATRICIA, sisterfriend of mine, with My and Spirit's VERY PEACE AND LOVE FOR YOU FOR ALWAYS, sister of mine, AND WITH SUCH BLESSINGS AND SUCH VERY EVEN MORE BLESSINGS FOR YOU FOR ALWAYS, friend of mine, 🙂 <3
YOURS FOR ALWAYS soul sistahfriend Christian black woman AND FOR ALWAYS IN THE VERY GREAT SPIRIT OF UNITY AND IN SOLIDARITY, Sherry Gordon in Iowa City, Iowa 🙂 <3